April 27, 2014As some may have noticed, I haven't been posting much in these last two weeks. I just had my Easter holiday away from uni, and that's when there was a flourish of posts about things going on, and my blog became a hive of activity. Just this last week though, I've been brought down to earth with an almighty drop, and had to realise that I can't keep going out for day trips and spending time writing up posts when I have exams coming up soon.
So I've had to put this on the back burner and focus on revision, and because I've been inside revising, I haven't had many things to blog about.
I felt the need to do a little post just to say, to those of you who have followed my and read when I update, that although things seem slow, it's not going to be like this for long. I do intend on getting back to multiple posts a week, but my exams ultimately have to come first .
I have my last exam on the 16th of May then I am officially on holiday! So as of then, you can expect very regular posts, as I have 2 weeks in Edinburgh in which I intend to explore the city properly, then months doing goodness knows what! And I'll blog about my holiday to England, when it comes, as well as a 3 week excavation that I'm going on, and other random thoughts and things..
So if you think that my blog is becoming dry, please don't give up! 2 weeks on Friday and it will become lively and I plan to put a lot of work into it and getting it better..
So thanks for baring with me through this!
Much love,