
Balancing Blogging and University

October 06, 2014


In all honesty, I think I'll be searching through everyone else's posts for this week of teen blog series, rather than actually giving much advice myself as this is an area that I don't have much structure or organisation in.

I started my blog in February, and then it didn't have a following- no one relied upon regular posts nor was I in the mind to post as I didn't really have a clue what I was doing! Over the summer, I've gained SO many more followers (which I am super super thankful for) and had the time to post whenever and whatever I liked. Back to uni and it's a whole different kettle of fish. 

I use blogging as a bit of an escape. I write posts when I feel inspired and am in the mind frame to do so, and like to keep it casual and as a "treat" for myself. If I've done a good day of work, then why not spend the evening looking at different blogs and writing my own posts. 

Equally, if I'm feeling very stressed out, or maybe even homesick (happens more often than you think) then it's quite nice just to sit down and write a post about a product I've been loving, or an outing that I've gone on. So in that sense, I don't consciously tell myself I have to write a post, because I don't want to take the fun aspect out of it, and I do want it to continue being a relaxing and rewarding experience. 

I DO feel, however, that a slightly more structured blogging schedule wouldn't go a miss for me. I am so grateful for the set time and days for the teen blog series, as it know each Sunday or Monday I should sit down and out the pen to paper. I also try and put another post up a couple of days later, so that I have about 2-3 posts up each week and I'm always actively improving my blog. But I try not to stress out if I haven't written that extra post- in an ideal world I'd be able to write a post each day, or minimum every second day while staying on top of everything else, but in reality it's not that simple. With essay deadlines starting to seem very real and very close, and tutorial work and reading beginning to pile up, I do feel guilty taking time away from my stacks of books. 
But that's when the benefits of having a blog kick in. When I need half an hour off from reading, or I've just come back from a full day of lectures, sitting down at my laptop and taking my mind off of everything is the perfect release. 

So this post has absolutely no advice on how to get that perfect balance of blogging and staying on top of work, whether it's university or school work. But what I'm trying to get across is that my way of balancing blogging and work is to keep things fun and use my blog to give myself a much deserved break or a distraction from the stress. And really, it's what works for you. Whether it's having a schedule that you stick to and pre planning each week of posts (something I could never do as I like to post whatever comes to mind) or just coming back and forth to the blogging world,  then great! If I feel I want to spend my train ride writing blog posts rather than reading that book that is due back next week (totally not doing that now) then I feel like that is a wise decision as the time that I would spend blogging tomorrow will be spent reading instead. I think it's all about flexibility. 

What tips do you have on balancing work and blogging? Or are you more of a "throw it together and hope for the best" girl like me? Let me know in the comments below, and send me links to your blog posts for this weeks topic! 

Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin, twitter and instagram- links are all below! 


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  1. I think the idea of giving yourself a little bit of leeway like you are is the trick, if you're forcing to blog it's not going to work the way that you want it to, by allowing yourself to do is as and when it suits you you're always going to produce more/better content in the long run.

    Sammy xo.


    1. That's so true, if it's forced out then its not going to be a good read for others and you won't want to continue writing. Best to keep it fun!

  2. Great post! I am also doing this post in the #teenblogseries


  3. Such a nice, well-written post! I'm also at university and as a newbie blogger I know I'm going to have this issue of balancing it alongside my studies. I'm hoping to get most of my blog planning done at the weekends so I'm organised for the week ahead and I find that having separate planners for uni work and my blog really helps to keep it fun as I don't get stressed out seeing loads of things to do for them both all on one page. Hope this helps - It seems to be working for me so far :)

    Britt x | http://brittanylanelle.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Thank you, that's really kind of you! I think that's a good idea, and I'll actually try that out- thanks for the tip!

  4. Blogging while balancing school is something I've also been struggling with! You want to excel in both, but sometimes that's simply not possible - especially during exam season. We try to give as much attention as we can to both, but sometimes one of them gets neglected, nothing bad about that just as long as it's not for too long!

    I've been really enjoying your blog, keep trying your best! xx

    1. Yeah exams stress me out a lot, so i feel my blog may have to take the back seat over those few weeks. I just try and adjust my schedule to suit what needs to be done.
      Thank you so much!

  5. Thanks for the post! it was really helpful :)

    Jennos Health.

    1. Thank you, that's really nice of you to say and I'm glad I could help!

  6. Balancing college and blogging isn't easy! Really enjoy your blog!

    I've also nominated you for the One Lovely Blogger Award! Full details here; http://lennylikestoblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/one-lovely-blog-award.html#more

    Malensu x

    1. Thank you,
      WOW! Thank you for the nomination, I'll be sure to do that and let you know when it's posted!
