
Oliver Bonas | Carya Stick Howlite Bangle

February 10, 2016

I thought as a good way back into the blogging scene I'd start to write a few 'focus' posts on some of the products / items that I love. Many of which are Christmas presents, that I've been wearing or using non stop since December 25th.

The first of this brand / product focus posts I wanted to do was Oliver Bonas. I've fallen in love with Oliver Bonas after my sister introduced me to the shop in Putney. Now, I've been scrolling through their online shop and have scouted out their Edinburgh store to satisfy my window shopping needs.

Oliver Bonas has a wide range of products, for all you who are searching for that 'perfectly pinterest' gift or item that adds a quirk to your room. From books to furniture and clothing to jewellery, this store has it all. I was over the moon to be given a bracelet as a gift from my sister and brother this Christmas.

As you'll be aware if you've read my blog over the past couple of years, I am a huge lover of ancient stuff - archaeology is my passion, and with that comes a little geek heart flutter every time I see something modelled from something from the past. After spending my summer surrounded in all things Roman, I fell in love with replica torcs, and desperately wanted one that didn't scream tourist or knock off.

When lusting over all the jewellery in their shop cabinets, my eyes locked on their bracelets that are styled like torcs. And when I opened the box on Christmas morning I couldn't help but smile. 

 The Carya Stick Howlite Bangle is gold metal with a block of gold and a stone at either end. Although it feels fragile, the bangle is durable and easily bends to open and close around my wrist. I've been experimenting with putting it at different levels, with it either low on my wrist and able to move, or higher up where it's tight and stays in place. I love that it looks delicate on my arm, but adds that little extra to an outfit. 

What do you think, are you going to be making up a Wishlist of all things Oliver Bonas? Be sure to check out their website! 



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  1. I love this bangle, so gorgeous! I love the fine detail on the stones, I bet every different one is unique. What a great gift!!

    toast the girl almighty

    1. Thanks, I can't stop wearing it at the moment! I never actually thought about it, but I bet they are all different!
