
What I Wore Wednesday | Polo Necks & Chords

October 26, 2016

As I already mentioned in ... Under The Scottish Rain is going under a wee revamp, and as part of that I'm going to try and upload outfit photos each week. This all comes just after I went on a massive shopping haul to get lots of new clothes to match the changing weather. I always find come winter I class 'wrapping up' putting on a pair of leggings and a jumper - not very fancy, but cosy. And I've always figured that spending days in the library didn't require getting all dolled up. Comfort has always been the key. But who's to say comfort can't be in a skirt, and warmth can't come from a pair of woolly tights. And so, this year I went out to pick up some skirts that I could mix and match with jumpers. Cosy but a little bit more presentable right?

This is one of my favourite new outfits - who knew I could pull off polo necks? Or at least I'm telling myself I can pull them off... after all I did just buy around 5 for this winter. And guess what? This whole outfit is cheap as chips - as both the top and the skirt are from Primark. 

I got my goals for going out shopping from Tartan Brunette's post - giving me all the determination to buy clothes that I will actually wear. Gone are the days where I spent money on clothes because they looked good on the manikin - I'm trying to only buy clothes that I feel comfortable in, and I will actually wear. Read her post, it'll give you all the determination to spend your money on staple wardrobe pieces. 

One of those pieces that I wanted this year was a skirt that I could wear throughout winter. And that's when I stumbled upon this one. The rack was almost empty - and it was lucky timing that I caught the restocking it and nabbed one of the few skirts in my size. It certainly seems to be a popular one this season. Chord skirts have been in for the last couple of years - but this one is burgundy. And burgundy is my favourite shade for autumn and winter. The colour is perfect for this time of ear, and will match with so many things - perfect for all the different polo necks that I just bought. 

For this outfit, I matched the skirt with a black and white striped polo neck. This top I reckon will be perfect for so many outfits - trousers, skirts, pinafores... It's a classic stripe that perfect for a casual look, or can be dressed up. I love polo necks because they are the ultimate way to keep warm. - and especially now that I chopped half my hair off, my neck can get pretty chilly. 

Top - Primark
Skirt - Primark 
Tights - Marks and Spencer

Let me know what your favourite autumn / winter piece is! Do you love polo necks as much as I do?


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  1. Love this whole outfit. I love burgundy too so perfect for autumn x

    1. Thank you! I've got far too much burgundy in my wardrobe haha

  2. Love this whole outfit. I love burgundy too so perfect for autumn x

  3. Lovely outfit, love the skirt. X


    1. Thank you, I can't stop wearing this skirt!

  4. Lovely outfit, love the skirt. X


  5. Perfect outfit for this fall !

    Sarah xx Have a nice day

