
October Lifestyle Favourites

November 07, 2016

Since October is now over - and the build up to Christmas can well and truly begin - its time to write about what my favourite things from this past month has been. This month, with autumn setting a firm grasp on Scotland, a lot of my favourites are suited to this change in weather.

My favourite piece of clothing this month has got to be this Stripey Polo Neck from Primark. It's featured in this OOTD that I posted the other day. Polo necks are the perfect thing in this weather - and will keep your neck nice and cosy on colder days. And this black & white striped one is ideal for matching with any outfit.

I recently bought a Rimmel lipstick. I've been wanting to wear more lipsticks recently - I feel its something that can help make my make up look more complete, and looks like I've put in a little bit more effort in the morning then maybe I really have. I picked this one up in the shade Heather Shimmer (066) because these darker tones are very on trend this time of year. But it's also not too dark that I feel I look like a vampire - especially now that my summer tan is almost all gone.

Back at the start of the month I took a trip to the cinema to see The Girl On The Train. I read the book over summer, and loved it, so was super excited to see the movie. Although some parts of the book were changing for the film, as can be expected, I found it followed the story really well. It was really intense, even though I knew who done it. I love seeing books being brought to life on screen, and Emily Blunt was so suited to the part. She played an alcoholic so well, considering I know her best for films that are light hearted  - I mean Devil Wears Prada is a classic. It's a great film that is well worth the watch, and if you haven't read the book then you'll be constantly questioning everyone & their motives.

At the start of the month I got a new phone - its something I've been waiting for since I lost my phone last summer and had to put up with a broken iphone 4. My new phone - an iphone 5S - is incredible and I love being able to use apps again. To go with this phone, I needed a new phone case. This marble case was found on amazon. Its soft plastic, so will help my phone bounce to safety when I no doubt clumsily drop it. It also feels smooth, and looks really cool. You would have thought after a summer of washing marble, I would be fed up of it, but its a beautiful stone that makes a classy looking phone case.

My favourite tasty treat this month has been Terry's Chocolate Orange bits. It really signifies the start of the Christmas season, so when I saw them in the shops, I was over the moon. They're the yummiest thing to snack on after a long day at uni - honestly its so easy to pop another and another into my mouth.

Because it's so cold, it's become time to bring out a hat. I'm not normally one to wear a hat - in fact I usually wear those fur head bands - but this year I picked up a hat with a fur bobble on it. Everyone is wearing hats like these, and here I am jumping on the band wagon. This hat was from Primark and came in lots of different colours & shades. I chose this dark green colour because I think it'll match with so many different coats and scarves.

For jewellery, I've been sticking to my regular pieces, however I've got a new addition to it. This Ruby Bracelet is from Gemporia.* I've been wearing it everyday alongside my watch, and I love it. It's gorgeous and delicate - and adds a little something extra to my everyday outfit. Or if I'm going somewhere a little fancier, then this is perfect to add for a special occasion. Check out other Gemporia pieces in the blog post I wrote recently!

What's been your favourite thing this month?


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